Connect Disciples Prague

We are a disciple equipping ministry that operates under CBH Prague. We focus on walking in sonship, on training and on practicing spiritual gifts.


Our vision

The goal of Connect as a disciple-making ministry is to get as many workers into God’s harvest as possible in the shortest amount of time.

We have noticed that a common goal of the church is to reach people, equip them, and then release them for further service to the Lord. And it is with equipping disciples and releasing them for further ministry that we help. In fact, the spiritual growth of people who are already living with the Lord is crucial to the spread of the gospel not only in the Czech Republic, but around the world.

An equipped disciple of Jesus Christ must know how to operate not only in the physical world, but also in the spiritual world. Therefore, we need to know our identity as sons and daughters of God, our position in the spiritual world and its workings, and the power of God. So we want to take the teaching of our identity as sons and daughters of God and acting in the power of the Spirit through disciple-making ministries across denominations to every district in the country.



How to equip disciples?

We want to equip the disciples of Christ with several tools.

sdílení se

Regular meetings

We want Christians in each district to meet on a regular basis for teaching, training in the power of God, and prayer together


Revival Camps

In addition to regular meetings, we want to do weekend events around the country focused on praying together, teaching and practicing God’s power.


Online teachings

To reach as many people as possible with the gospel and teaching, we also use youtube (Connect Disciples Prague), facebook (Connect Disciples Prague) and other platforms.


Printed materials

In addition to face-to-face meetings and (online) teachings, we also publish books that explain (not only) the use of spiritual gifts in practice.

For more information please contact us at:


Connect as a ministry to equip disciples was formed in Prague, where it still operates today. However, we want to expand the disciple equipping service to other cities in the Czech Republic.


If you have it in your heart to start Connect in your church, email us at We care about people given to the gospel.

Before you contact us, answer the following questions: do I dream of revival, am I willing to pray for it and then spread it with God’s help? Do I desire to spend time with God and with people who are also fully surrendered to Him? Do I study God’s Word day and night, or at least begin to? Do I want to teach other people God’s Word and grow in the knowledge of the Holy Spirit? Do I want to continually develop? Am I willing to give myself fully to the gospel?


propojení měst



National Awakening

Healing Line

National Revival Camps